In recent years there has been a series of important projects focused on the Roman Towns of
Yorkshire and Northern England. The YAHS Roman Antiquities Section is delighted to be able to bring
together a group of leading archaeologists who will present some of the most important results and
the new understandings (and questions) that flow from them.


9.30 – Registration and Coffee
10.00 – Welcome
10.10 – Professor Martin Millett – Roman York revisited
11.00 – Dr Frances McIntosh, English Heritage – Coria (Corbridge), the most Northerly town in the Empire. Recent work and future plans
11.40 – Dr Pete Wilson, Rarey Archaeology – Delgovicia not Derventio: Roman Malton and Norton

12.20 – 1.30pm Lunch break

1.30 – Professor Martin Millett, University of Cambridge – Roman Aldborough 15 years on
2.20 – Dr Peter Halkon and James Lyall – Rediscovering Roman Brough (Petuaria) 

3pm- 3.30pm – Coffee

3.30 – Mr Kurt Hunter-Mann, AOC Archaeology — Ravenglass - a civilian settlement on the frontier

4.10 – Discussion
4.45 – Disperse

Lunch is not provided but is available from a variety of shops, cafés and restaurants in the area surrounding the venue.

Price £15  (including tea and coffee on arrival and mid-afternoon)

Please see Paypal link and other payment options below.

The York St John Campus is a 20 minute walk from York Station.

York Park and Ride Green Line from Rawcliffe Bar stop 5 minutes walk from the venue (ask for Bootham Bar).

There is long-stay parking at Union Terrace and Monk Bar car park (both £20 for over 5 hours )

Click here to pay by Paypal

We can also accept payments by cheque. Please send these made payable to Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society (YAHS) to Admin Assistance, YAHS, Stringer House, 34 Lupton Street, Hunslet, Leeds, LS10 2QW
For BACS payment information and any other queries please contact