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The Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society

Since 1863

For everyone interested in Yorkshire's past

Programme 2025: Key events

Prehistory Research Section events:


Saturday 22nd March 2025 at Swarthmore Education Centre
AGM preceded by a TALK at 2pm from Clive Waddington:
How Britain became an island: the Storegga Slide tsunami and Mesolithic catastrophe

The recognition of the combined impacts of the ‘8.2kyr Event’ and the Storegga Slid tsunami around c.8175 cal BC had a profound effect on what was a north-west peninsula of Continental Europe and the Doggerland embayment. The impacts of these natural events on the geography, climate, flora, fauna, fish and human populations was extreme. This talk will bring together a wide range of data to document these pivotal events and discuss the research that has led to the recognition of these catastrophic impacts on what appears to have been a thriving Mesolithic world, and the beginning of our island story.
Clive is a well-known archaeologist who has published widely on prehistoric Britain as well as some later periods. He achieved his PhD from the Universities of Durham (Archaeology) and Newcastle (Geography) where he focused on geoarchaeology and landscape archaeology in north-east England. His research interests include landscape archaeology, Stone Age archaeology, rock art, field methods and prehistoric material culture. He founded, and is the Managing Director of, Archaeological Research Services Ltd following spells working in academia, for the public and third sectors and in commercial archaeology. He has appeared on numerous TV and radio programmes and lectures regularly for academic, professional and public audiences.

Saturday 29th March 2025: AERIAL ARCHAEOLOGY CONFERENCE in SHEFFIELD - Exploring Archaeological Landscapes: Celebrating the legacy of Derrick Riley and William Arnold
A day conference focussing on two significant aerial photographers, and the evolving aerial  archaeology techniques and research inspired by them.
To be held in the Creative Lounge, The Workstation, Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX
For the programme and to book a place see

Possible Archaeological Events for Your Diary:


Guest Lectures (open to all) 

Bradford University: School Archaeological and Forensic Science guest lectures series.

Lectures start at 5.30pm in Richmond Building (room E59) and as a webinar.

Please note - Your E-Mail Address:

The majority of members now receive their notices and newsflashes electronically. If your contact details have changed, please let me know, so that our address list remains up-to-date. If you wish to change the way you receive your section information, please drop me a line - either by email, or by post: John Cruse, 26 Logan Street, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 9AR

Above programme updated 23rd February 2025



Christmas in-person meeting - 2 talks and Christmas tea.

  • Posted On: 18 October 2024
Christmas in-person meeting - 2 talks and Christmas tea.

Christmas in-person meeting - 2 talks and Christmas tea.

Saturday 7th December at 2pm – 4.30pm

Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square, Leeds LS3 1AD. 


Dr Seren Griffiths, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Forged in Conflict: Francis Buckley, the First World War, and British Prehistory 

Francis Buckley was extraordinary; an officer responsible for arming grenades, excavating trenches, surveying, sketch-mapping, and military intelligence, his actions were a roll-call of the First World War’s bloodiest battles. The psychological toll was significant. War remade the man and created the archaeologist. Under fire, Buckley recorded prehistoric lithics on the Somme, a rich archaeological landscape, and a deadly battlefield. After the war, “tramping” the Yorkshire moors, Buckley applied military skills to excavate and record a key, but still understudied lithic collection. This paper explores Francis Buckley’s war, its implications for the history of archaeological thought, and reasserts his under-acknowledged legacy. 


Professor Tom Moore, Department of Archaeology, Durham University. 

Lines in the landscape: Scot’s Dike and the role of monumental earthworks in Britain 

Monumental linear earthworks are found across Britain and Ireland, defining communities, channelling movement and inscribing the landscape. Our understanding of the roles of these features remains dominated by interpretive frameworks grounded in antiquarian traditions. Despite their prevalence, apart from notable exceptions such as Offa’s dyke, recent discussions have been relatively quiet on their significance for understanding social and landscape organisation. Our recent Leverhulme funded Monumentality and Landscape (MAL) project (with Prof. Andrew Reynolds at UCL) has sought to redress this by reassessing these monuments. It records over 700 such earthworks across Britain and while dating of most remains poor, the evidence points to peaks of construction in the first millennium BC and mid-first millennium AD with potential differences in their form and roles. Using evidence from the MAL project and focusing on the preliminary results of investigations at Scot’s Dike in North Yorkshire, this paper will explore the important role of monumental linears in defining territories and shaping movement through landscapes. It will be argued that these monuments represent the display of changing forms of power, from the Late Bronze Age to early medieval period. 

See flyer here.

Also Prehistoric Yorkshire 62 printed copy available for members to collect.

Copyright for images:

Buckley’s illustration of trenches on the western front, copyright Manchester Museum.

Scot’s Dyke excavations 2022, copyright Tom Moore, Durham University

Documents to download

Categories: Pre History