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The Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society

Since 1863

For everyone interested in Yorkshire's past

Roman Yorkshire

The Roman Antiquities Section produced a paper newsletter for many years but until recently there had been an intermission. Now members can look forward to receiving our newsletter, Roman Yorkshire, every few months.

This full-colour illustrated digital-only production is distributed by email in pdf-format. It contains news of the Section together with articles, often by leading authorities, on recent Roman research, news, finds, meetings, excavations, courses, articles and books concerning Yorkshire and further abroad. If you have any comments or queries regarding the newsletter, please do not hesitate to email the editor.

PREVIOUS ISSUES  can be downloaded here -

February    April    August    November

March                   July          October    

February                               September


Writing for 'Roman Yorkshire'

We have an informed membership and welcome submissions for possible publication in 'Roman Yorkshire.' You should see this as a less formal publication than the Society journal and there is of course no peer review process. The subject field is wide, ranging from recent finds and excavations to anecdotal tales. Although we expect articles to be mainly of Yorkshire interest, we welcome work of regional, national - or even international - importance. 

Guidelines for submission

It would be most helpful if you could follow these guidelines.

It is probably a good idea to email the editor first with your idea, to avoid any problems.

The best length for an article in a newsletter is probably two pages, which in this case is around 1500 words. From this one has to allow for space for images and (gentle) editing to fit. Shorter articles will of course be welcome - short notes of around 120 words would be a welcome feature - and longer ones will certainly be considered.

  • You are welcome to submit your work in text, Word .doc, .rtf, .pdf or any other accepted format. 
  • Wherever possible, please include images. They help to illustrate points, lift a fascinating but wordy article into something readable, and make the whole publication more attractive. The format is not important, although we expect files will be .jpg, .png or .tiff, and should be supplied separately attached to emails rather than included inline within the article. Images will be displayed at normal screen resolution, 72dpi, so do not need to be very large. They may be reduced to fit, so they should be clear to begin with, and they should ideally be 300 to 1000 pixels in width.
  • This is not a learned journal. You are invited to write clearly but informally. References are not required but a short list of further reading will enhance enjoyment of your work.
  • Your cover-sheet should include your name, address and email address for future correspondence, and a statement confirming that the manuscript is original, not previously published, and not under consideration elsewhere. If the work has been published or is under consideration, please supply the details as we may nevertheless be able to use your work by agreement.

After all this, the most important thing is to write something. You will make the editor very happy.