Articles about Roman Yorkshire
The following articles relating to Roman Yorkshire and the surrounding counties are either downloadable or accessible online
- Whitley Castle Geophysics Survey Archaeological Services University of Durham, 2012
- Cataractonium: Roman Catterick and its hinterland. Excavations and research, 1958-1997 CBA Research Report NO 128. P R Wilson, 2002. with major contributions by H.E.M. Cool, J. Evans, A. Thompson and J.S. Wacher. Currently (2014), only Part One is available on-line, Part Two must still be purchased from CBA
- Hayton Roman Pottery Database English Heritage, 2008 Bremetenacum: Excavations at Roman Ribchester 1980, 1989-1990 C Howard-Davis, Kath Buxton, 2003 (updated 2009)
- Roman Piercebridge Dr. H.E.M. Cool, 2008
- Roman Villas in the North of England Martin Burroughs, 2003
- Fields for Discourse: Landscape and Materialities of Being in South and West Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire during the Iron Age and Romano-British Periods. A Study of People and Place: PhD Thesis, University of Wales, Newport (2010) Adrian Chadwick, 2010
- Archaeological Cropmark Landscapes of the Magnesian Limestone Ian Roberts, David Berg, Alison Deegan, 2010
- Romans on the Don South Yorkshire Archaeology Service, inHeritage, 2007 These pages tell the story of what life was like in the Doncaster region before and after the Romans arrived almost 2,000 years ago.
- The Romans in East Yorkshire E.F. Norman 1960, searchable PDF edition of the book published by East Yorkshire Local History Society.
- Valley Of The First Ironmasters The valley of the River Foulness in East Yorkshire, UK, was home to one of Britain's oldest and largest prehistoric iron industries. In Roman times it was an area of settlements, villas and pottery industries.
- Finds from a Roman Sewer System and an adjacent building in Church Street Arthur MacGregor, 1976, York Archaeological Trust This report presents the finds from the well-preserved Roman sewers, which probably drained the bath house within the legionary fortress. Objects recovered included gaming pieces of stone, pottery and glass, bath flasks, jewellery and an interesting collection of jasper, chalcedony and cornelian intaglios of 2nd to 3rd century date.
- Britons and Romans in an East Yorkshire Landscape Peter Halkon, 2008 - For the International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Rome, 2008 - download courtesy of Bollettino di Archeologia Online
- Railways in the Greek and Roman World Dr. M.J.T Lewis, University of Hull. A short paper outlining the use of deliberate ruts to guide wheels as a form of early railway. Not specifically Yorkshire, but it is possible that such systems were used in mining areas and so it is included - and Hull is Yorkshire so that’ll do!
- Excavations on a Roman Extra-Mural Site at Brough-on-Humber, East Riding of Yorkshire, UK Kurt Hunter-Mann with Margaret J. Darling and H.E.M. Cool - and contributions from C. Barclay, J. Carrott, B. Dickinson, K. Dobney, S. Garside-Neville, G. Gaunt, A. Hall, J. Hamshaw-Thomas, K. Hartley, M. Issitt, D. Jaques, C. Johnstone, F. Large, J. McDonnell, D. Petts and G.Woolrich
- Celtic Beads from the British Isles by Heather Smith An overview of Celtic bead types and their use before and during the Roman period.
- Broken bottles and quartz-sand : glass production in Yorkshire and the North in the Roman period. An overview by Emeritus Prof. Jennifer Price of Roman glass manufacture in Yorkshire and the north of Britain, previously published in Aspects of Industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North, Pete Wilson & Jennifer Price (editors), 2003, Oxford, Oxbow Books
- The Leeds Index of Samian Stamps The Index is based on the work of the late Dr Brian Hartley, compiled during the last 40 years. It collects an estimated 400,000 stamp-die records, the product of over 5,000 different potters working in the fine ware popularly called 'samian ware', or more technically terra sigillata. In addition, the Index is available via the suite of Samian Research databases at the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz.
- The National Roman Fabric Reference Collection: A Handbook The National Roman Fabric Reference Collection (NRFRC), located in the British Museum, aims to provide an infrastructure for future research into Romano-British pottery, providing a standard for the identification and description of Roman pottery types. The website is an on-line version of the Handbook, last reprinted in 2002